Thursday 10 May 2012

Week 4

Week 4

Title of Activity

-Do some research about abstract and introduction  the project.


- To do a brief explanation about the project.
-To do the introduction about the project.


-explanation abstract about
Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention.
-explanation introduction about the
Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention


 the result analysis get from week 4

This blog is about research into the attitudes of an accident arising from the negligence of ourselves, especially driving in a tired and sleepy. Statistics in 2011 showed the number of road accidents was 397.330 cases. Index rate of deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles was 3.55 per cent in the year 2011. At the international level, Malaysia was ranked 46 out of 172 countries in terms of index of deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles. It was found that 62.6 percent of the main causes of accidents related to sleepiness and 8.5 percent is associated with the traffic light violations. Of the total 397.330 cases, 6.745 cases involving the death of an average 18 deaths a day.
In this blog how provide means of accident prevention using eye blink technology and with the invention of this project is one factor which can reduce accidents occur frequently. This project involves measure and controls the eye blink using IR sensor. The IR transmitter is used to transmit the infrared rays in our eye. The IR receiver is used to receive the reflected infrared rays of eye. If the eye is closed means the output of IR receiver is high otherwise the IR receiver output is low. This to know the eye is closing or opening position.  This output is given to logic circuit to indicate the alarm. This project involves controlling accident due to unconscious through Eye blink. Here one eye blink sensor is fixed in vehicle where if anybody loses conscious and indicate through alarm.


student know use of on-line publication databases is prevalent, writing a really good abstract has become even more important than it was a decade ago and abstracts have always served the function of "selling" your work.

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