Friday 11 May 2012

week 10

Week 10

Title of Activity
- Work plan on FYP1 and FYP2.
- To do a what to do list and do it in gantt chart for FYP1 and FYP2
Gantt Chart for S1 2012

 Gantt Chart for S2 2012

·         The time frame allocated for this project study is 11 months. It will start in Jan 2012 and is projected to be completed in November 2012.
·         The early stage of this development is to do literature review; even it is time consuming but the knowledge gained was highly important.

From the conclusions in week 10
Reliability is often more problematic to specify than many major performance characteristics and is certainly more difficult than most to measure. The accurate assessment of the reliability of a product in use is often difficult because of the long period needed or the large number of samples required in order to gain statistical confidence in the assessment.

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