Wednesday 23 May 2012

week 14

title of activity
-submit report fyp1
-submit technical report

To do the progress finally report for fyp 1 and technical report

result analysis
 from the conclusion in week 14

the finally student know how to do it some report and technical report.Other than student know how to make solution for technical report and how to improve the report. 

Monday 14 May 2012

week 13

Week 13

Title of Activity
-The final improvement on the slide and presentation day.

- To do the final improvement.
- To present the slide to assessor.


  • introduction
  • problem statment
  • objective
  • benifits
  • literature review
  • methadology
  • gant chart
  • conclusion

understand what the actually idea for this project and they give some advice for improving the project and wanted to see this project functionally with input that have then give. 

week 12

Week 12

Title of Activity
-continue presentation slide.

- To do some the presentation slide.

-The presentation slide.


Get acknowledgement and skill about presentation.

week 11

Week 11
Title of Activity
-Progress Report fyp1

- To do the progress report fyp 1 for the project.

- Introduction/Purpose
  •  Purpose of the report: Very briefly explain the project.
  • Briefly explain what this progress report is for.
- Work completed during this time period. (dates)
  • Explain what you have accomplished. Provide details.
  •  Project Staffing. How much effort has been used to date?
  • Project Deliverables. Have they met the quality targets set?
- Work you need to complete before you finish the project.
  • What is the next step?
  • When do you expect to complete the next step?
  • What do you still need to do?
  • When do you expect to complete the project?
- Problems encountered.
  • Explain any unexpected developments.
  • Explain what you plan to do to correct these problems.
  • State whether the project is on schedule.
  • If not, why not?
  • How do you plan to correct these problems?
  • When will you be back on schedule?
- Conclusions

From the conclusions in week 11
 -As a result,
Advantages of this project is to reduce accidents and easy to perform work or driving. For the future they do not need training or are not afraid while driving. It can determine where the user’s interest is focused automatically and helpful for usability studies to understand users interact with their environments for example connection with alarm. And other for the future Eye Tracking can tell whether users are looking at the screen, reading information or scanning information. It can also show the intensity of the user’s attention and can determine whether a user is searching for specific information.

Friday 11 May 2012

week 10

Week 10

Title of Activity
- Work plan on FYP1 and FYP2.
- To do a what to do list and do it in gantt chart for FYP1 and FYP2
Gantt Chart for S1 2012

 Gantt Chart for S2 2012

·         The time frame allocated for this project study is 11 months. It will start in Jan 2012 and is projected to be completed in November 2012.
·         The early stage of this development is to do literature review; even it is time consuming but the knowledge gained was highly important.

From the conclusions in week 10
Reliability is often more problematic to specify than many major performance characteristics and is certainly more difficult than most to measure. The accurate assessment of the reliability of a product in use is often difficult because of the long period needed or the large number of samples required in order to gain statistical confidence in the assessment.