Tuesday 17 April 2012

week 3

Title of Activity
-Given my title to supervisor
Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention

-To research on the pattern of an accident arising in Malaysia.
- To do it some research about the Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention

- accidents involving road as car and truck.
-the technology about their use in “Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention”
-The function for “Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention”

 -the result analysis get from week 3.
The statistic in 2011 shows the number of road accidents was     397.33 cases. Index rate of deaths per 10,000 registered vehicles was 3.55% in the year of 2011.
- the technology use in eye blink sensor and accident prevention is a:
IR sensor
# Alarm
Vibration box
-the function this project will count and control the eye blink using IR sensor. The IR transmitter is used to transmit the infrared rays in our eye and the IR receiver is used to receive the reflected infrared rays of eye. If the eye is close the output of IR receiver is high and the output of IR receiver will be low if the eyes in open condition. This output will be sent to a logic circuit to ON the buzzer.

From the conclusions in week3, students know how to do it some research about accident and some technology about Eye Blink Sensor and Accident Prevention”. Indirectly student know the function how the eye blink sensor works in this project.